Coconut Grove Childrens Mosaic Mural- US Post Office
- Coconut Grove Childrens Mosaic Mural – US Post Office 33133
Coconut Grove Childrens’s Mosaic – US Post office 33133 is proud to show and share the many photographs we have taken from the beginning of this almost 2 year project. Little hands, big hands all involved in this community project called “LAYERS OF LOVE” The “Layers of Love” watercolor painting is an interpretation incorporating the original artwork of the children in the outreach programs of Coconut Grove Cares/ The Barnyard Center, Shake-a-leg, Miami, and Blue Moon Studio of art as well as other contributing artists.
US Post Office McDonald Street and Grand Ave.
The 2 walls where the mural will be installed.
Commissioner Marc Sarnoff ( and his Chief-of-Staff, Ron Nelson)
enabled and encourage Cyndy and Eileen to proceed with this project. Major Conributors, Ron Nelson Juan Carlos Ruiz (who donated the tiles for the mosaic.)
January 2011 and the tiles and thinset, grout have arrived!. Cyndy sits on the mound.
Cyndy, Eileen and Cynthia Shelly sit by the tiles outside of Shake-a-Leg, Miami, holding the blown up patterns made of the childrens original art works.
Eileen with the actual artwork created by the children from Shake-a-Leg, Miami and The Barnyard Center.
Here Cyndy and Eileen began the scoring of mosaic tile which were then made into color boards, by name, color and title. This is what we used to assemble all the elements.
Chris helps Cyndy cut tile Assistants Helen and Claudia cut tile.
Kids from Coconut Grove Elementary Leonard from The Barnyard Center
having a great time painting the patterns. Sylvia from The Barnyard Center paints with Cyndy Cyndy pulling tiles
Eileen and Mary work on the yellow and blue fish… The original pattern – the fished mosaic.
This is the largest fish, spanning 4 feet
Eileen sits next to the BIG FISH
Helen creates the beautful blue anemone Eileen works on the pink and yellow fish
Here is the blown up pattern Completed fish
Cyndy teaches Melissa at the Net
Emilio and Daehmun make the sun at The Barnyard Center Nancy is happy with her clouds
Julian and friend make the golden star fish Brandy, Qeddrick and Drequan work on the grasses
Eileen paints the mangrove, sand and grass.
Shaun our assistant at The Barnyard lays out the life size patterns Herman works on a Jelly fish Fiona works on the clouds
Cyndy and I are measuring the tree, grass and sand area to make this into 30″ x 30″ panels.
Working with Lindas completed fish Cyndy and I added the beginnings of the water, and tree in this panel. The puzzle pieces are coming to life.
Cyndy and I sit on the layed out artwork, picking and placing where they best fit, according to the original watercolor I painted using the kids artwork as the inspiration.
Stacks of carboard holding the completed elements. Cyndy and I worked from 12:00 noon to 11:00 pm just making it right.
Cyndy laying out a grid for 55 panels. This is how her mind sees things.
Plastic bags for us to use for each particular panel, will hold the broken tiles so we can complete the water around the elements.
Here Cyndy and I pull the broken tile per panel.
This is one of the completed panels.